Encouraged and Emboldened

Encouraged and Emboldened

The worship podcast of Central Baptist Church in Newnan, Georgia. Our goal as we exit worship each week is to leave encouraged and emboldened to be faithful representatives both of our church and of our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope our message leaves you encouraged and emboldened too.

Central Baptist Church on Realm

20 July 2024

Come to the Water - E17

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Come to the Water

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On this 8th Sunday after Pentecost, July 14th, 2024, Rev. Matt Sapp opens us with a prayer for our country as we gather in the shadow of political violence. Our sermon today is by Rev. Katie Faison and is entitled "Come to the Water." Among other things, she speaks about some of the experiences our members recently had during Passport camp and on our mission trip to Romania. These experiences dovetail wonderfully into how we can drink the living water that God offers us.

(00:00) A Prayer for our Country
(04:01) Welcome and Announcements
(06:19) Sermon: Come to the Water
(28:59) Announcing "Steve & Nancy Cothran Sunday"
(29:43) Benediction

Central is proud to be a place
  • where all generations worship, grow, and serve together.
  • where women and men have equal opportunities for leadership.
  • where traditional worship is engaged with excellence.
  • and where diverse approaches to Christian faith and theology all find themselves at home under the lordship of Christ.
You can support our ministry by sending a gift via onrealm.org/centralbaptistnewnan/Give

Want to learn more about Central? Visit our website at centralbaptistnewnan.org or give us a call at 770-683-0610.

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Central Baptist Church Newnan, Georgia